Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Space Modulator

T-Pizzle is similiar to VD. Yeah, he doesn't seem to go away. If y'all remember I had a T-Pain week last summer. And if you hadn't guessed, it was a huge joke. A rephrase: I hate the Pain. But then as much as I dislike him, I can't help to have a sweet tooth for him too. I like his music in the most goofiest way possible. I know it doesn't add up but the Pizzle gets more spins than Talib Kweli.

The blogsphere placed Weezy* as the number one whore but as much as he does, doesn't T-Pain invade our psyche even more so? He's featured everywhere on the radio; he's the first look for weak Southern artists; the perfect "It" man for a hook; and he's taken over solid music person's career in Kanye West. THEN how do we explain that he managed to be featured on Snoop's single "Sexual Eruption" and Weezy*'s single "Lollipop" without literally being on there. Are they not channeling their inner T-Pain? The wackest, least talented, can't dance, can't dance (yeah, I said it twice), can't dance, isn't the least bit attractive (looks like a tarantula) is being copied!?! What is this world coming too.

How do I explain that I utterly hated Lil Mama's "Get Loose" when I saw it a while back. But thanks to BET and T-Pain's sick as verse (w/ a grain a salt remember), I can't stop reciting it. I guess the Pizzle gets the best of us...

I gave up on MC year ago but why T-Pain? You are a Diva and you're hanging out with him. How come I see that top hat/Mad Hatter shit the Pizzle's rocking is going to be a hot item in '08? T-Pain is not a good luck charm, damint!


At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

KMA's my top hip hop blog. Propz for dropping so many surprises. I can handle all the T-Pain actually, but it's definitely gonna be tough for him to maintain a career with the schtick. Weezy's everywhere but he keeps stretching, too, so I'm still stoking on C3 dropping.

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

KMA's my top hip hop blog. Propz for dropping so many surprises. I can handle all the T-Pain actually, but it's definitely gonna be tough for him to maintain a career with the schtick. Weezy's everywhere but he keeps stretching, too, so I'm still stoking on C3 dropping.

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

KMA's my top hip hop blog. Propz for dropping so many surprises. I can handle all the T-Pain actually, but it's definitely gonna be tough for him to maintain a career with the schtick. Weezy's everywhere but he keeps stretching, too, so I'm still stoking on C3 dropping.

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

KMA's my top hip hop blog. Propz for dropping so many surprises. I can handle all the T-Pain actually, but it's definitely gonna be tough for him to maintain a career with the schtick. Weezy's everywhere but he keeps stretching, too, so I'm still stoking on C3 dropping.


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