Monday, November 06, 2006

Vote or Die: John Kerry and the Republicans

Karl Rove is masterful. Karl Rove is God. Karl Rove knows business. Again, and especially when I did not think John Kerry would, with his hound doggish, droopy face, speak more truthfully for the Democratic Party, er, Republican Party? Through forces unknown this side of George Lucas, Kerry, as in his ’04 campaign, has joined the Dark Side, the Republican Party. I don’t know what they paid him or if they paid him – he may have worked in secret for the Republicans all along as has Joe Lieberman of Connecticut. He, somehow, catapulted above the more popular and better Democratic candidates in the 2004 election. Somehow? Yes, that Howard Dean yell or beleaguered belch may have been the key to Kerry and the Republicans. How in the hell did such a trivial incident prevail? Media. And who owns many media or who could pay them off to supply lies? The Republicans. Hence Dean out and Kerry installed as Mr. Flip, Mr. Flop. How could someone actually lose to Bush? Well, that’s easy and I don’t need to answer it. But how can you lose to a loser who was supposed to lose that was hired to lose by your own party and in fact, is a closet Republican? Bush in ’04 exemplified how terrible he is at beating a loser. Kerry’s a loser and always was so he was hired by the Republicans to act as a “Cut and Run” Democrat and if there’s one thing Americans don’t like, it is indecisiveness! We jump to conclusions, make judgments and want results! There’s no time for analyzing! Someone else will clean up our mess, ah yes, the Mexicans [Enter stage from trap door underneath that signifies the Southern border]. Hmm, Mr. Kerry no passion after conceding that Bush won? But it’s early and those damned voting machines and the dead voting for Republicans and Florida and lies and and and…? No questions. Fishy business, Mr. Kerry. A trip to Martha’s Vineyard? Or a secret trip to celebrate at Camp David? The latter, I concede.
So Kerry comes again to haunt those who believe in a real America and causes our hearts to sink. Why? I conquer with your statements completely; the poor and uneducated get herded into the military and die/get injured. Seriously, those soldiers should have studied harder. The U.S. Army Inc. only cares about dollars, not freedom. As much as I agree with Kerry, he had to say this at this time, a week before midterm elections! Rove, you’re a slime-ball and a genius at coercing dummies. Those dummies will be swayed by Kerry’s “harsh” comments and may swing the pendulum back towards the Republicans. Alls I can say: Kerry must have been blackmailed to commit acts of being a Benedict Arnold. You’re dead to me Kerry the Republican!

P.S. So tomorrow, go out and vote… Republican, if you want to get fucked in the ass continually for another few years.


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