Watching Them Thangs!
Kidz In The Hall Driving Down the Block
It's just that the teaser video and the song itself had me thinking this video was going to be grand--classic shit. The Kidz' route wasn't bad at all as the cheesiness is in all good fun.
Lupe Fiasco Paris Tokyo
It's about damn time my favorite track on The Cool got its moving picture... Lupe looked so alone on his globe trekking adventures. The bygone era appeal was okay although it doesn't fit literally with the song. No glitz & glam either--just straight rapping in front of the camera. Much appreciated.
Weezy* Interview
Weezy* grew up with Gillie... ya know! "I don't know what's happening where I'm at." Someone needs to be admitted.
Tyga Travis McCoy Coconut Juice
The creation of Soulja Boy is better than this motherfucking hyrbid. Quit the Caribbean accent and the Travis Barker look alike competitions. So what if you don't drink Tyga, don't make a song about Coconut Juice. If there's one thing I'll be sure to remember for the next 6 months, it's: "Put the lime in the coconut and mix it all up..."
B.O.B. Rich Boy Haterz Everywhere
Past due...
Three Six Mafia Unk I'd Rather
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