Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Mr. Me Too: The KanYe "Ghost Blogger" Post

Denise Milani is a Czech model. Click HERE for more pics and info...

Denise Milani moved to Los Angeles, California, USA, where she worked as a physical therapist. In 2005, Milani began doing modeling work at SPORTSbyBROOKS and later created her own website.

ROFL! I love Ye's random posts. Wait, his ghost blogger's random posts. Anyway, they're just so unentertaining. Thanks for the re-inforcing pics that you do have a porno addiction. What's your addiction. Is it money, is it cars? I bet it's blogging. Yay for Ye!
UPDATE/CORRECTION: The statement "Yay for Ye!" is incorrect. It should state: Ye for Ye's Ghost Blogger!

Ripped from Sir Ye himself. I meant his ghost blogger.


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