Wednesday, April 18, 2007

“It Must Have Been a Slow Day in Baghdad”

Not quite. “127 dead. VTech, 33… So a Korean kid decides to pick up a language and he walks into a German class and says… I still haven’t gotten that e-mail about that rat in studio 13B… I bet I know what he was doing for those two hours… All Virginia Tech jokes aside...”

Thank Jimmy Kimmel for those comments.

For those who actually knew a victim, not just saw them but knew them—you get some slack. For all the others who’ve jumped on this media-driven crying bandwagon, save it for judgment day! It should go without saying that what happened at Virginia Tech was unfortunate; no one wishes that upon anyone, not even this Administration. Well, on second thought… Those dead did not deserve it. Yet to believe this is a huge tragedy is another thing. If this affects your life, and you’re not attached to the victims at all, then I wonder how you’re still alive; there’s so much tragedy around the world daily, that if you were seriously affected by this incident, you must be insane by now. Don’t mistake “Shit Happens” for a cause for concern.

Another consequence for the Right to Bare Arms. The problem about this occurrence is that the gun sales will improve; people will want to protect themselves from some “maniac”. No discussion will be held on gun laws; they’ll loosen so folks can tote one in their right hand at all times.

Blame resides much on Seung-Hi. He went postal. And he had a “mean streak”, stalked women—damn he was crazy! This sort of thing cannot be prevented. Maybe though. Personally, he needs to seek lines of communication, if that was his reason for lashing out. Others may have contributed to his weak self-esteem; being labeled by college kids, yes, supposedly grown, college kids as the “Question Mark Kid” is surprising… then who knows how fucked up he was. Although to survive, one cannot be so sensitive and negative to a fault. And of course, you don’t lash out by killing people.

The media is to blame for blowing this event up. Leave this town, school, students and families alone; they don’t need your showy condolences. Let them grieve and cope on their own time, without the damned cameras. I wouldn’t want MTV’s Sway talking to me or John Norris calling me “dude”! Furthermore, as one kid put it, “I don’t want VTech to be labeled as that “Massacre” school.” Funny thing he should say that, to the media of all people; they’re the ones who are turning VTech into that “Massacre” school.

Get back to school and the status quo as soon as possible. Yeah, it will hurt and be awkward but there is no sense in crying about it. Finish the year and leave the events behind. Dwelling is not a good thing. Carry on.


At 1:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good read, I agree


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