Monday, October 23, 2006

A Matter of Just More than Religion: The Bible 214, The Quran 3?

In an effort to alleviate the American way, albeit a great force, the Gateway Hotel in Ames, Iowa will be purchasing three, count them, three copies of the Quran. In an interesting fight for survival, the freedom of religion seems to already have a sweeping, powerhouse victor: the Bible. Christianity doesn’t seem to be an in your face seller, I mean, that’s for those damn Jo-Hova’s Witness to come door to door like poor salesmen trying to sell you a soul and an entrance into ”Heaven”. But before you think the separation of church and state is not that powerful, travel to a hotel and open the bedside drawer. What might you find? A prayer rug? I think not! Anamist objects of worship! Not here! Oh, but there is that one Good Book and I’m not talking about the Da Vinci Code. The Bible rests there quietly and probably does not get touched very often. You know, businessmen do not have time on their lunch break to fornicate with a street woman and immediately absolve themselves in an hour – that’s what Sundays are for. So then what does it say about our society? Does this book actually matter? Oh, hell yes! America is supposed to reek of equality and freedoms. This isn’t Iran, where we have to adhere to Islam or else! This is America, damnit! And I should do as I damn well please! Well, if we were open, why would we subtly place a Bible in all of our hotels? The thought of missionaries still preaching, rings silently, not loud. We are giving our citizens a Bible while they are away from home. Or are we forcing it upon them? What if I am not a Christian, but a Hindu? Well, don’t read it! Yes, I can do that, but how come the Christian man gets his spirituality tonight and not me? Hmmm, interesting question. This small instance mirrors American foreign policy. America believes it does well, yet they don’t realize that being open isn’t just allowing a melting pot or allowing those purged “Freedom”. It means actually knowing them and allowing acceptance through little acts as having copies of others religions in hotels. No wonder America is hated – Freedom isn’t really free, is it?

"Hi, do you have a copy of the Quran? Umm, I don’t know. Suzy do we have any Qur… Ah Qurans? [stumbling on word] No, okay. [a quick no] Yeah, we do not have a copy. Okay, why don’t you have a copy? You have a copy of the Bible but no Quran. So only Christians come to this hotel? Or do you only cater to Christians? Am I missing out on something? Because I don’t feel welcome! Ah, yeah, I don’t know why we don’t have one. I mean, yeah we should have one. Like, where could you get one? I don’t know. Borders, Barnes & Noble. Okay, well we can send someone out to get one for you. Actually, No! I don’t want one now. And I wouldn’t want one. It’s the principal. The fact that the Gateway is catering to others and not me is disrespectful. I’m a paying customer. I’m an American too, damnit! Oh, yeah, I know. It’s the principal. We should have some copies for others too. Yes, it is the principal. The Gateway should have copies of other religious books for others or no religious books at all! Okay, yeah, so what I will do is write a note to management and have them order like three copies of the Quran for those who need them or ask for them.”

The following actually happened and although I am not religious, I am irritated at the subtle force that Christianity has on this country. While that hotel may never buy copies of the Quran, it may be a start of getting that “Equality” that’s been promised and that America is built upon.


At 10:31 PM, Blogger soulbrotha said...

You think that the "force" that Christianity has on this country is "subtle"?? Dude, where have you been? Look at your history books! Look at your (not mine) wacked-out president! And if you truly want to see the scariest movie of 2006, it ain't The Grudge 2, Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Saw's a little documentary called Jesus Camp. Go see it and be very, VERY afraid!

At 9:17 AM, Blogger The Major said...

Well I agree, "Jesus Camp" and the like are very scary indeed. Christianity is pushy and forceful in my opinion. But, religious or not, most of us do not realize some of the subtle ways that religion is rubbed on us in little daily accounts such as the one I described. And these subtle ways penatrate easier than overt religious acts.


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