Peer Pressure

I continue to hold Kanye as my front runner on 9/11. I proclaimed he’d post 850k first week sales. I choose 850k because I think Kanye is hotter and more in the moment than Jay was last fall for his return which, if I’m not mistaken, posted 750k. Even though Jay appeals to most every Rap fan, Kanye is hot with who still buys still albums—non-Rap fans.
Although "Stronger" has not hit as I thought it would, Kanye’s "Gold Digger" is a fair reason why he’ll be remembered in two weeks time.
The "Kanye is wack" faction is minimal. They’re probably closet Ye fans (yeah, you!) and copped his shits on the low at a small town Walmart. But the only x on Ye’s resume is his gay look. I still don’t get it: I mean, I wouldn’t tote Louis V purses "under my underarm" but Ye’s personal tastes are his own; they do not factor into my critiques of his music.
But it is 2007. As the months progress, the internet is killing albums. 850k is big. I know Ye is major but maybe not like that. Plus, if he does not get the support from non-Rap fans, as I predict, he’ll come through slightly over gold, like 650k.
It has become apparent that Kanye, in these last few weeks, has gained the trust of real Hip-Hop fans. Add 50's "look at me" tirade over the same period and that places the momentum with Ye.Time will tell if that translates to album support.
Kanye has improved with each album. I regard Late Registration as a divergent effort that hit. Although Late Registration has the same vibe as College Dropout, his effort to try new things is seen. With "Can’t Tell Me Nothing" and "Stronger", it seems that Kanye is poised to extend his range further.
As for 50? I don’t know. I was never a huge 50 fan although I liked his mixtape shit and his Get Rich or Die Tryin (who didn’t?). I was especially perturbed at the lackluster G-Unit crew and his burgeoning brand. Until Massacre I gave 50 an ear. It’s not that the Massacre was bad, it was alright, but his attitudes after that have left me shaking my head. His meaningless beefs, ongoing efforts to hold up his G-Unit toddlers and his arrogant tone do not sit right with anyone. He’ll do 250k, tops!
Everybody and their mom has been shitting on dude for months now. All of his released songs suck. I’m still not a fan of "I Get Money" but I can tolerate it; "Amusement Park" and "Ayo Tech" as anyone can attest—are junk! He said in an interview "but if "Amusement Park" was by this new dude y’all would be all over him". Yes and no. No. You’re 50 cent; that bullshit single was another terrible riff of "Magic Stick"; and it’s a cop out—you can do much better. His recent music leaves about the same taste in my mouth as that box of Triscuits does from 9 months ago... stale!
How many G-Unit stalwarts are left? As much as I’d like to say very few, I swear there are too many 50 dick riders around. Too many blind fans unable to discern when their favorite rapper turns into garbage. It’s as if these dudes, with thousands of dollars worth of terrible looking G-Unit tube socks, multi-colored jean shorts and extra large beaters don’t want to give up on 50. What else would they wear? So, fearful of this inevitable fallout, they act as if 50 is God.
His threats and wagers are transparent; we see through his Scarface inspired fireworks. His assertions if he loses are gravity defiant P.R. moves. He’ll quit rapping or throwing chairs, electronics or firing snitches or changing his genitalia—he’s doing anything to get his name in your mouth.
50 is emotionless. How can you create music without a conviction? Even Ashlee Simpson believes in her silly ass material. While Ye has gotten better, or even tried, 50 is now like a computer generated version of what some of those America’s Most Wanted assailants could look like 10 years later. Problem is: this is what he sounds like and it ain't even 10 years into the future!
Whatever he says, he’s still a gorilla with rabbit teeth (aww, man).
While 50 is Pop, he’s not "in" anymore. Is he relevant in the minds of non-Rap fans? The only thing that helps him is that he pays for radio spins. And that 50, alone, will buy 75k copies of Curtis opening day. That may be 50’s only valid reason for winning on 9/11.
50 created loop holes in the contracts of his label mates. Lloyd Banks, Tony Yayo, Hot Rod and the rest will have to purchase 5k copies of all 50 Cent releases within one month of the original release date or face severe penalties. See Spider Loc.
It seems like fans can make a real statement to shut 50 up and at the same time show the record industry our support is based on checks and balances. Rappers just can't become tight and sleep; we've got due diligence. Talking back to a rapper, now that's some shit. Make your decision.