Minutes ago I heard on my local news, in Minneapolis, that there might be racial profiling screen testing for airport security because of the recent “attempted” “terror” “plots”. Well, news to my ears! Ha, like the U.S. hasn’t been after Muslim looking people after 9/11 before. Making it official would be nice to show how far backward we’ve gone. And it’s not just this terrible Administration. The blame lies on those who voted these nit wits into office as well as anyone who believes this is a good thing.
On the recent “attacks: The recent “terror attacks” spoiled in Britain cannot be called “terror attacks”; they are simply an “attack”. I strongly believe they were not real and were created because of the recent situations brewing in the Middle East. Calling me crazy may be an option, but unless you’ve done your homework you can save it for later. Hezbollah has gained steam along with an obliterated Lebanon. They have almost been granted sympathy. Israel has been on a ridiculous rampage as well as Hezbollah the past 5-6 weeks, but Israel has clearly over stepped. The United States backs them and is hot headed as to why a victory has not been claimed in the headlines. So what to do to get the pendulum swinging America’s way? Start a phony “terror plot”. Just like all of the Osama tapes and the finding of Hussien, the U.S. and foreign media release information to instill fear so their uneducated citizens will panic and trust them. We call this “playing god”. What better way to make people believe that America is Right? It works. It’s sad but true. People do not known how to discern truth form lies and eat it up.
Israel could not kill Islamic Extremism in Lebanon. Hmm. The U.S. cannot squelch the civil war torn Iraqis. The war on “Terror”, aka the War on Islam can never be won nor should it. The root of the problem is not that Islamic Extremists have killed innocent lives, but that the greedy world players, namely the U.S., has it’s bloody hands all over the Middle East for decades and wants to change the region their own way. They don’t want democracy. They want a democracy that caters to them. That’s the problem, plain and simple. Through diplomatic measures this could surely be dealt with. Israel has been sort of a pawn in the West’s game to gain a foothold in the region to incite and drastically manipulate other’s for America’s benefit (or those in positions of power and wealth to receive even more $$).
The United States has committed more outlandish TERROR ATTACKS than Al-Qaida would ever wish to do. If Al-Qaida, wanted to really hurt us “innocent”, “do-good” Americans they could any time they wanted to. They have many dedicated souls ready and willing. Al-Qaida has cells transplanted around the world waiting for the final moments, ready to give what little they have to end our “Fun Filled, Important” Lives. This is where America is wrong: Al-Qaida does want an end to the infidel West, but has given the West many chances to shore up their end of the bargain. 9/11 was not a spontaneous reaction towards the West’s aggression rather a strategic cauldron of pent up rage that was bound to explode sooner or later. How has the U.S. reacted to 9/11? Wars, wars, wars. Not a good track record for peace, I guess.
How many planes have been hi-jacked? Three or so on 9/11. The chances of getting killed on a plane? Next to none, as the planes are extremely tested for success. There’s a better chance of getting killed by a drunk driver than by a “terrorist”. America can have instant technology with cell phones, or have integrated systems of shipping fresh fish from Alaska at 4am to Dallas by dinner, but they cannot stop “terrorism”? They may not want to – it’s a great tool for distraction and control. So does this mean that we will allow some MISinformation to persuade us to behead all those who look guilty? Western, esp. American society, at-large does not realize the intolerance this breeds. We are taking a step back to a “bygone” era in which race was a descriptor in criminalizing folk. Yeah of course Al-Qaida are all “Terroristy looking”, so then by that ignorance, Americans are all greedy selfish bastards. What is being done by the current “Red Scare” of our time is saying that it is okay to give up OUR AMERICAN GIVEN RIGHTS, RIGHTS THAT WE “FIGHT” FOR, SO WE CAN CATCH THESE “BAD GUYS”. It is not okay though. These are our rights. We have our privacy. We are innocent until proven guilty. This is not a mob society out a slanderous witch hunt. We are giving up what we stand for and people are giving their “rights” to the authority for security. Well, who will police the Police? Who, when our rights and all that we stand for are stripped, will hold Big Brother accountable for what they do? More and more, with eavesdropping to racial profiling to just plain ignorance, America’s arrogant, brash ways just may end up killing it.
Food for thought: We are bad guys too, just as Al-Qaida is: oil, cheap, showy materialism – don’t we realize that; that is why we are hated. We take so much and give so little. Giving is not all in money/aid or gifts. The gift that the Anti-American world may actually want is acceptance, tolerance and some good old collaboration all through cooperation. Now that wouldn’t be too much to ask, would it?